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Though it took plenty of challenging operate to gathering all of excellence conclusions to address all propose of Audio-Technica ATR-3350 Lavalier Omnidirectional Condenser Microphone, our production will in no way stop the journey of making a amazing item for you. To produce this item come to the world wide web market place with the best outcome and also together with an acceptable price. There for we'll have the ability to supply the great happiness for customers all that are willing To produce a superb change for their home and their household lifestyle.
From this moment on you will find that is not too challenging for you and your household to have a simply comfortable lifestyle and take pleasure in your household time with our amazing Audio-Technica ATR-3350 Lavalier Omnidirectional Condenser Microphone.
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Audio-Technica’s newscaster-style omnidirectional ATR3350 lavalier is engineered for intelligible, accurate voice reproduction. This high-quality condenser is ideal for video use, and is a favorite choice for aerobics/dance/sports instructors. Its low-profile design assures minimum visibility.
- Element Of Condense, Polar pattern, Omnidirectional
- Freq resp: 50 Hz-18,000 Hz, Imp: 1000 ohm +/-30%
- Omni pickup pattern offers full coverage
- no adapter included, mics are mono
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